Monday, July 19, 2010

Have you lost your flavor?

"You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor?" 
Matthew 5:13

Do you salt most of your food? Does it give it that extra flavor it is missing when you test taste it? I bet it even makes you thirsty??? I know when I eat alot of popcorn I have to have a drink w/it! (especially at the movies! :-) ) As I was listening to the radio this morning on my way home from bootcamp AIR1 was talking about the verse of the day...Matt. 5:13. I loved the way they describe this verse. They said that we are to live in such a way that we make others thirsty for Christ... just like salt makes us thirsty for water (or sweet tea for some of us lol) What a concept!! :) 

So, when you are working out at class & thirsty for water go get your bottle of water & think of this verse & how others should see Christ in you & thirst for what you have! 

On another note about being thirsty... PLEASE be drinking your daily intake of water! You all are working your bodies so hard & it craves that water! You will have more energy & feel good! Drink half your weight in ounces of water!!! (usually adds up to be 6-8 glasses/day!)

I hope that through this bootcamp you begin to thirst for more of Christ!

Sarah Grace

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